Scriptures That Rightly Translate The Name Yah
Find Bible verses that properly translate the name of God (Yehovah) as Yah for praise and worship.
"Yah" Scriptures
Exodus 15:2 (YLT) My strength and song is JAH, And He is become my salvation: This is my God, and I glorify Him; God of my father, and I exalt Him.
Exodus 17:16 (YLT) and saith, `Because a hand is on the throne of Jah, war is to Jehovah with Amalek from generation--generation.'
Psalm 68:4 (YLT) Sing ye to God--praise His name, Raise up a highway for Him who is riding in deserts, In Jah is His name, and exult before Him.
Psalm 68:18 (YLT) Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast taken captive captivity, Thou hast taken gifts for men, That even the refractory may rest, O Jah God.
Psalm 77:11 (YLT) I mention the doings of Jah, For I remember of old Thy wonders,
Psalm 89:8 (YLT) O Jehovah, God of Hosts, Who is like Thee--a strong Jah? And Thy faithfulness is round about Thee.
Psalm 94:12 (YLT) O the happiness of the man Whom Thou instructest, O Jah, And out of Thy law teachest him,
Psalm 102:18 (YLT) This is written for a later generation, And the people created do praise Jah.
Psalm 106:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah, give thanks to Jehovah, For good, for to the age, is His kindness.
Psalm 106:48 (YLT) Blessed is Jehovah, God of Israel, From the age even unto the age. And all the people said, `Amen, praise Jah!'
Psalm 111:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! I thank Jehovah with the whole heart, In the secret meeting of the upright, And of the company.
Psalm 112:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! O the happiness of one fearing Jehovah, In His commands he hath delighted greatly.
Psalm 113:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! Praise, ye servants of Jehovah. Praise the name of Jehovah.
Psalm 113:9 (YLT) Causing the barren one of the house to sit, A joyful mother of sons; praise ye Jah!
Psalm 115:17 (YLT) The dead praise not Jah, Nor any going down to silence.
Psalm 115:18 (YLT) And we, we bless Jah, From henceforth, and unto the age. Praise ye Jah!
Psalm 116:19 (YLT) In the courts of the house of Jehovah, In thy midst, O Jerusalem, praise ye Jah!
Psalm 117:2 (YLT) For mighty to us hath been His kindness, And the truth of Jehovah is to the age. Praise ye Jah!
Psalm 118:5 (YLT) From the straitness I called Jah, Jah answered me in a broad place.
Psalm 118:14 (YLT) My strength and song is Jah, And He is to me for salvation.
Psalm 118:17 (YLT) I do not die, but live, And recount the works of Jah,
Psalm 118:18 (YLT) Jah hath sorely chastened me, And to death hath not given me up.
Psalm 118:19 (YLT) Open ye to me gates of righteousness, I enter into them--I thank Jah.
Psalm 122:4 (YLT) For thither have tribes gone up, Tribes of Jah, companies of Israel, To give thanks to the name of Jehovah.
Psalm 135:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! Praise ye the name of Jehovah, Praise, ye servants of Jehovah,
Psalm 135:3 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! for Jehovah is good, Sing praise to His name, for it is pleasant.
Psalm 135:4 (YLT) For Jacob hath Jah chosen for Himself, Israel for His peculiar treasure.
Psalm 135:21 (YLT) Blessed is Jehovah from Zion, Inhabiting Jerusalem--praise ye Jah!
Psalm 146:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! Praise, O my soul, Jehovah.
Psalm 146:10 (YLT) Jehovah doth reign to the age, Thy God, O Zion, to generation and generation, Praise ye Jah!
Psalm 147:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! For it is good to praise our God, For pleasant--comely is praise.
Psalm 147:20 (YLT) He hath not done so to any nation, As to judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye Jah!
Psalm 148:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! Praise ye Jehovah from the heavens, Praise ye Him in high places.
Psalm 148:14 (YLT) And He exalteth the horn of His people, The praise of all His saints, Of the sons of Israel, a people near Him. Praise ye Jah!
Psalm 149:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! Sing ye to Jehovah a new song, His praise in an assembly of saints.
Psalm 149:9 (YLT) To do among them the judgment written, An honour it is for all his saints. Praise ye Jah!
Psalm 150:1 (YLT) Praise ye Jah! Praise ye God in His holy place, Praise Him in the expanse of His strength.
Psalm 150:6 (YLT) All that doth breathe doth praise Jah! Praise ye Jah!
Song of Solomon 8:6 (YLT) Set me as a seal on thy heart, as a seal on thine arm, For strong as death is love, Sharp as Sheol is jealousy, Its burnings are burnings of fire, a flame of Jah!
Isaiah 12:2 (YLT) Lo, God is my salvation, I trust, and fear not, For my strength and song is Jah Jehovah, And He is to me for salvation.
Isaiah 26:4 (YLT) Trust ye in Jehovah for ever, For in Jah Jehovah is a rock of ages,
See the verses translated as Yah in Young's Literal Translation, 1863, Robert Young. (English J instead of Y)
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