Who is the entity named Yah?
Find out who Yah is, where the name came from and why we should use it to honor, worship, and praise the Almighty above...
The significant meaning of His name Yah
Psalm 25:1 "...I will praise Your name..."
In Hebrew, Yah is a short form of the name YHVH (Yehovah), which is the personal name of the Father. Yah signifies the divine presence and power, representing the ultimate authority and sovereignty. It is a name that holds deep spiritual significance and is the name used in Psalms and elsewhere associated with praise and worship. In various religious texts, Yah is referred to as the Almighty, the Creator, and the Sustainer of all things. The name Yah encompasses the divine attributes of love, compassion, and justice. It is a name that invokes a sense of reverence and awe, reminding believers of the divine presence in their lives.
What about Yahweh?
Some believe Yah is short for Yahweh, but the etymology agrees with the word "Yehovah" instead. The vowel under the yod in Yahweh is not from Yah. Yahweh does not exist in the oldest Hebrew or Jewish manuscripts. You have to find it instead in German and English sources. The kamatz of Yah changes to "Sheva."
YAH in Scripture
The name, Yah is specifically used more than forty-nine (49) times (that can be verified) in the Old Testament. Your Bible may translate it incorrectly or differently with Lord. The NKJV by Nelson does use the Hebrew word "YAH" in several places correctly.
Psalm 68:4 NKJ: "Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol (Praise) Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, and rejoice before Him. " See more verses.
Deception and More Info
Modern religion, denominations, Biblical Scribes and translations have deceived us by giving us a "no name" God. (The name is not to be translated Jesus or Yeshua.) Instead of using the proper name symbolized by YHWH or YHVH, Yah, or Yehovah, we find "the Lord" instead. Elohim or God is used in many places which are titles or common names. Imagine calling every person by a generic name like "man" or "woman" instead of their name. Talking about no respect! We even make sure that stray dogs and cats have a name. How much more should we use and call upon the actual name of the Creator of the universe? (Find out why Jesus was not the Creator by finding out about the Hindu and philosophical influence of the newest gospel "according to John.")
Both the Old and New Testaments in their earliest beginning used the name for God or the Tetragrammaton-- the four syllables in Hebrew that translate in English as YHVH or YHWH. The change to titles and common names came about directly/indirectly from the adoption and eventual enforcement of the Trinity hypothesis conjured up by early Philosophy beliefs, the pagans of Egypt and subsequent world empires, and the early Roman Catholic Church. People were slaughtered during dark times in history when they would not accept the Trinity and this continued in England only a few centuries ago. This led to many fleeing to the United States for freedom of beliefs and religion.
If all the euphemisms and other titles used in word and speech for God represent the same three beings, "why does it matter which names or titles are used," one might ask. This is a part of the reasoning behind the deception. However, the original text reveals there is a real difference in names, and the blending of the Old and New Testaments to make Jesus the GOD of the Old Testament fits in as well. Our "Lord" or "the Lord" is used interchangeably between God/Son which helps to create the messiah to God narrative and prophesies. But, make no mistake, unless YHVH is Jesus, we are dealing with a LOT of deception and outright lies being used to push an evil and idolatrous narrative.
The truth is that YHVH is not Jesus, but the Almighty 'Father' or Creator, a Singular being. If you look at both the Old and New Testaments through the lens of a singular Creator (not the Trinity), then the Bible can be rightly understood. The Bible and its oral traditions and original teachings are completely monotheistic. It proclaims that there is ONE GOD, a singular being, not a dual being or three being a god. Pagans in all history of world empires chose multiple or triune gods. The more gods to be fit in one name the better. "Elohim" is the original word that is translated into God in the Old Testament. A closer look at the word reveals a couple of issues. It is plural. Yet, starting in Gen. 2:4 and throughout, the name Yehovah is used as this section of Scripture dates back earlier than Gen. 1:1. Many Jews use El or Elohim as a multi-attribute meaning for God, and Christianity whether Catholic or Protestant or other, see it as a plural which could convince someone that the Trinity is real. Yet, El was the name of the Canaanite pagan god. Why have it in our Scriptures when it commands us to not even speak the name of pagan gods? This is a good question that will be shared upon request. Contact us now.
Praise Yah Ministry
(816) 974-NCAY (6229)